
Four Research Centers & One Facilitiy, and a Relevant Institute

Institute for Innovation and Social Value Creation includes four research centers and a facility in the administrative organization system. Our institute collaborates with Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute, which previously belonged to a research center in our institute about two years ago. The names of the four research centers and one facility and their specific features are listed below. 

  1. Recerch Center for Advanced Metallic Materials: additive manufacturing, 3D Printer for metallic materials
  2. Hydrogen Energy Joint Research Center: solid fuel cell, perovskite solar cell etc.
  3. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Center: Image recognition technology etc.
  4. Collaboration Center for Data and Computational Science: Collaborations with RIKENR-CSS, Fugaku, FOCUS etc.
  5. Facility for Mutual Usage of SPring-8 and NewSUBARU: SPring-8 and NewSUBARU